About us


To become an institution that meets the standards of the European Union, is flexible and responds to the needs of customers, and provides community services.


To provide qualified, high-quality, social services with the available material resources in order to achieve optimal results that meet the expectations of service users. Increase access to community-based social services for families, children and people with disabilities, and develop new community-based services so that service users can live with everyone in the community with appropriate support.

Tasks of the institution

To provide care, education, social services for a child in foster care and temporarily placed in a Service Center or a community orphanage, to create other conditions suitable for him or her and to maintain an environment in which he or she can grow, develop, improve and prepare for independent living in society

Provide day social care for children

Carry out open work with young people

Organize temporary care of the child by accommodating the child together with his or her parents or one of them, or other representatives of the child in accordance with the law, and provide services to women in crisis

To provide social workshop services for adults of working age with mental and / or mental disabilities

Ensure proper organization of the institution's activities


Phone: +370 342 58936
El. Email: info@kybartuspc.lt

Working hours
I-IV 08: 00-17: 00
V 08: 00-15: 45
Lunch break 12: 00-12: 45

24 hours a day: +370 656 91490


You will find us

Darvino g. 4, Kybartai, Vilkaviškis district. sav., LT-70439